Hydrochloric Acid
Hydrochloric Acid
Pumping considerations
Hydrochloric acid is highly corrosive. Containment and chemical compatibility are the two main considerations of handling it. Leaking pumps are health and environment hazards and aggressively corrode metals such as aluminum, cast iron or even some stainless steels. Many pumps are specified with a short life cycle. This may be as little as matter of months due to the tolerated corrosive wear expected. The pump may also see an exponential rate of corrosion from impurities and particles being oxidized.
Wilfley’s leak free solution to an aggressive problem
Wilfley’s dynamic sealing technology in combination with the Solidlock static seal offers a leak free pumping system without the use of flush water. Pumps run without any external flushing system, providing a reliable operation 24/7 reducing maintenance time and costs. In most cases Wilfley’s W-35 nonmetallic material can withstand the aggressive nature of hydrochloric acid applications. In applications with high temperature, Wilfley offers its proprietary Hastelloy C MAX or Alloy B metallurgy.