The EMW® Heavy Duty Slurry Pump has been released for just over a year now and there are several exciting features of this innovative pump that you might not be aware of…

Two Wet End Configurations

EMW® slurry pumps can be configured with either a hard iron or rubber lined wet end. The material options for the metal wet end include Wilfley’s newest proprietary high chrome / hard iron alloy MAXALLOY® 5A, as well as MAXALLOY® 5.

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Metal Wet End

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Lined Wet End

Four Different Seal Options

The EMW® slurry pump has been specifically designed to accommodate a wide variety of sealing options to handle the most difficult pumping applications. Wilfley is also in the process of field testing some exciting new static seal designs that should be available by the end of 2014.

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Expeller with Diaphragm

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Expeller with Packing

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Single / Double Mechanical Seals

Two Bearing Lubrication Options

The extremely robust power end of the EMW® pump can be configured for either grease lubricated or oil lubricated bearings.

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Grease Lubrication

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Oil Lubrication

Six Sizes to Choose From

There are currently six different sizes of the EMW® pump. Larger sizes are in development and should be available in the near future.

  • EMW® 50 (2×2)
  • EMW® 75 (3×3)
  • EMW® 100 (4×3)
  • EMW® 150 (6×4)
  • EMW® 200 (8×6)
  • EMW® 250 (10×8)

Three Belt Drive Arrangements Available

The EMW® pump can be configured with three different belt drive arrangements depending on the pump size and motor size. Direct drive configurations are also available. Contact Wilfley for more information.

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Inline Overhead (Small Motors)

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Offset Overhead (Medium Motors)

Wilfley EMW Slurry Pump
Side By Side (Large Motors)

Contact your local Wilfley representative today to learn more about the EMW® Heavy Duty Slurry Pump.

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