Wilfley has optimized its increasingly popular DryLock® 2 Static Seal, available for the extraordinary A9 and A7 Chemical Pumps. Working in concert with the efficient Opti-Expeller, the latest DryLock® 2 Static Seals further extend process uptime.

The latest update (version 2.2) builds upon the reliable features and benefits of the base DryLock® 2 system in use since 2011 but now with reduced parts. We have designed a new unitized rotary seal sleeve that replaces four prior components: rotary seal ring, seal sleeve, locknut, and rotary seal o‑ring.

4 Piece Rotary Seal Sleeve

Wilfley DryLock 2 Static Seal Update

Brand New 1 Piece Rotary Seal Sleeve

Wilfley DryLock 2 Static Seal Update

The new unitized rotary seal sleeve reduces cost, complexity and assembly time over the previous iteration and is fully interchangeable with all versions of the DryLock® 2 Static Seal. On average, the new one piece rotary seal sleeve is 38% less expensive than the previous four parts (based on standard WCD4™ material). Other tangible benefits include reduced inventory items, part lead-time, and a reduced number of potential leak paths.

Contact your local Wilfley representative NOW to learn more about how your process can benefit from the latest version of the DryLock® 2 Static Seal.

And remember… here at Wilfley, EVERY PUMP MATTERS.