Wilfley India was given the opportunity to present Wilfley pumps and the Wilfley Dynamic Expeller Seal to engineers at the world’s largest producer of Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF). Everyone was excited as they were setting up a brand new green field project in India. The initial concerns were that none of the engineers had any previous experience with dynamically sealed pumps as well as the high initial cost in an extremely price sensitive market.

After a visit to a nearby fertilizer plant that has been a long time Wilfley customer, the engineers were convinced that the Dynamic Expeller Seal was the answer and quickly requested a quote for pumps that would be placed in the toughest application in the VSF plant. This application handles 5‑6% consistency viscose pulp in 18% caustic soda (NaOH). This isn’t the toughest application due to the consistency of the liquid alone, the pumps also needed to operate over a range of speeds to control the flow rate as well as 23 feet (7 meters) of suction head. This was a challenge for the Wilfley engineering team but after several rounds of technical discussions and system studies, the customer placed an order for eight 6×4-13 A7 chemical pumps in WCD4™ with DryLock® 2 static seals.

Wilfley A9 Chemical Pump Caustic Soda

The rest, as they say, is now history. The pumps have now been in operation for over six months with an extremely satisfied customer. The customer was so confident that no spare parts were ordered with the pumps and they have only recently needed to order some small spares. Due to the overwhelming success of these pumps, the customer has also placed an order for some frame 4 A9 pumps in Alloy 20 for another application in the same plant.

So, one more customer experiences the benefits of the Wilfley Dynamic Expeller Seal and Wilfley adds one more satisfied customer to their list. Contact your local Wilfley representative today to learn more about how we can help tackle your toughest pumping applications.


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