Municipal Waste/Water Processing
Wilfley Pumps for Water Treatment
Water treatment is a process that improves the quality of water to make it more acceptable for a specific use or for discharge back into the environment. Water treatment is used to remove contaminants and undesirable components or reduce their concentration so that the water becomes fit for its desired end-use.
The tightening of environment regulations has spurred renewed interest in water treatment technology and in the overall efficiency of these new technologies. Water that is either lost through leakage or re-circulated to flush pump seals introduces inefficiencies into the water treatment process. This is one of the reasons that Wilfley pumps with their waterless technology have become an attractive solution to this problem.
The Wilfley EMW Rubber Lined Slurry Pump in conjunction with the exclusive SolidLock sealing technology provide a abrasion resistant, seal flush free solution for clarifier underflow applications.

Wilfley Municipal Water Case Study
Wilfley Municipal Waste / Water Production Case Study Coming Soon.