Wilfley Welcomes Manu Srivastava

Wilfley wasn’t worried about one of the rainiest July’s on record as we welcomed a new member to the winning team. Manu Srivastava has joined us as a new Regional Sales Manager responsible for some US territories, Africa, and some of the Middle East. Manu comes to us...

Sales Managers Meeting #2 of 2014

A typically stunning Colorado blue sky day was the welcome for our second No Travel Sales week of 2014. Kick-off was at the corporate office where the Sales Team was joined by our stalwart Customer Service team for an initial pep talk by Douglas. The first day of this...

Wilfley Welcomes JP Ericsson

The month of May brought a brand new member to the Wilfley team. We are very happy to welcome John P. Ericsson (A.K.A. JP) as the newest Regional Sales Manager taking over recently retired Dave Wheeler’s patch. JP comes to us from beautiful Wisconsin with a huge...

Sales Managers Meeting #1 of 2014

With the throwing of the first pitch and the approach of hockey playoffs, Wilfley saw an opportune time to hold the first of its four No Travel Weeks of 2014 for the Sales Managers. No Travel Weeks happen on a quarterly basis and give the Sales Managers the chance to...

Wilfley’s 2014 New Year’s Resolutions

Eat healthy? Lose weight? Drink less alcohol? Here at Wilfley we think more in terms of seal development, Quality initiatives, and metallurgy… Outside of more involved Goals and Objectives and continuing initiatives (that we can tell you about)… New heavy...

Wilfley Welcomes Paul Yaple

A.R. Wilfley & Sons is delighted to announce the addition of Paul Yaple to the position of Regional Sales Manager. Paul comes to us with an extensive background in pumps, having worked primarily in the groundwater and industrial water sectors for such well-known...