WILFLEY EMW PUMP (Potash Case Study)

WILFLEY EMW PUMP (Potash Case Study)

Potash WILFLEY EMW PUMP (Potash Case Study) WILFLEY EMW PUMP Reduces Cost of Ownership in Potash Hydrofloat Product Application Market:Potash Application:Hydrofloat Product: :Model EMW 6”x4”, Maxalloy 5A material, Wilfley Waterless Seal technology Country: Canada...
Doré Plant

Doré Plant

Case Studies | Copper Mine Doré Plant WCD4™ IMPROVES 400% WEAR LIFE The Customer:Codelco, Division Chuquicamata Country: Chile Market:Copper Application:Doré Plant, Anodic Slurry Product :A9 pump with WCD4 material Background ICodelco Chuquicamata is the largest open...
Filter Feed Application

Filter Feed Application

Case Studies | Filter Feed Copper Filter Feed Application ONE WILFLEY EMW200 SAVES MORE THAN 500,000 GALLONS OF WATER IN ONE YEAR The Customer:Grupo Mexico. Buenavista del Cobre Country:Mexico Market:Copper Mine Application:Filter Feed Application, Copper Concentrate...
Ingenio Manuelita

Ingenio Manuelita

Sugar Mill Ingenio Manuelita WILFLEY K PUMP IMPROVES PUMP WEAR LIFE BY 1300% The Customer: Ingenio Manuelita Country: Colombia Market: Sugar Mill Application: Ash Scrubber Product : Model K slurry 6”x4” Maxalloy 5A material Wilfley Waterless Seal technology Background...